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Intermittent 502 (Bad Gateway) errors
Incident Report for Coveralls
We've had no further reports of 502 Bad Gateway errors (or related 504 errors) in the past 48 hours so we will consider this incident closed / resolved for the time being.

We are continuing to monitor for these errors and reports of these errors and will open a new incident if we expect they will be affecting the general population of users for some time.

In the meantime, we suggest using the `fail-on-error: false` workaround to ensure intermittent errors like this don't break your CI builds.

If you encounter a 502 Bad Gateway error, please let us know at It would be helpful to see a segment or screenshot of your CI build log showing the error (but not necessary).
Posted Jan 16, 2024 - 11:48 PST
We are continuing to monitor for this issue and keeping this incident open so affected customers can find the `fail-on-error: false` workaround described below.

We received one additional report late Friday and one over the weekend, which we hope is the tail end of these issues, but we will keep this incident open for another 24-48 hrs to allow for any further reports.
Posted Jan 15, 2024 - 11:19 PST
In case you are being affected by these intermittent 502 (Bad Gateway) errors, here is a workaround that will keep them from breaking your CI builds:

If you are using one of our official integrations, such as the Coveralls GitHub Action or the Coveralls Orb for CircleCI, you can utilize the `fail-on-error: false` or `fail_on_error: false` input options, which will prevent Coveralls error from breaking your CI builds. (`fail-on-error: false`) (`fail_on_error: false`)

Thanks for your patience as we figure this out.
Posted Jan 12, 2024 - 15:04 PST
We have new reports of users receiving `502` (Bad Gateway) errors from our edge service provider (Cloudflare).

We are aware of rolling maintenance at Cloudflare across it's global centers that is leading to temporarily re-routing which may be adding latency to otherwise normal requests and resulting in `502` errors via our API or `504` errors via our Web UI.

We are watching and have reached out to Cloudflare.
Posted Jan 12, 2024 - 14:41 PST
This incident affected: Web and API.